Oxford Methodists Who's Who?

The plan of the book on the Oxford Methodists by Tyerman is to omit Whitefield and the Wesleys for obvious reasons and to focus on five men who each get a chapter - 

Clayton, John, 1709-1773
Ingham, Benjamin, 1712-1772
Gambold, John, 1711-1771
Hervey, James, 1714-1758
Broughton, Thomas, 1712-1777

Several others are covered more briefly, namely Robert Kirkham, William Morgan, etc at the beginning and then at the end seven others - Boyce, William Chapman, Charles Kinchin (c 1711-1742), Richard Hutchins (1698-1791), Christopher Atkinson, John Whitelamb 1707-1769 and Westley Hall 1711-1776.